The Sinkhole
I slid down the dark sinkhole of fear and anxious thoughts the other day. It was miserable and it lasted around 3 hours.
6 years ago it might have lasted 3 days.
By the time we reach our mid 30s many of our thoughts, feelings and actions become memorized and automatic unless we change something.
Meditation is the change. Sitting with the deliberate intention of quieting your mind gives you a perfect little gap of detachment from the non stop bullshit parade of your thoughts and brings you back to the fullness of who you are.
So that when you do go down the sinkhole, you remember how to climb back out sooner and less of your precious life is wasted feeling crappy.
Learn how to establish a consistent daily meditation practice that you adore with me in my new online course coming later this year.
Photo by @bythehumblesea