It took leaving Ireland for me to orient myself in the world. I’m finding out who I really am out here at the wild edge of another continent. Two years of exile from what is most essential to my soul; my people, my cultural homeland has gifted me everything. Anyone who has emigrated can attest to the spiritual self-reliance that grows from being far away.
Moving here has brought me back to right relationship with earth and the natural rhythms of my body. I’m never not in awe; living in the shade of redwood trees, watching the Pacific change the shape of the shore in one of the most species-rich places on the planet.
Through distance and separation I’ve earned an appreciation for the indigenous traditions of Ireland. The Celts were my earth-honoring ancestors. There is no avoiding the dark in Celtic spirituality but the light half of the year has just begun. We celebrate at Tosha from 2-4pm on Saturday May 4th.
Photo by Sam La Bar