The Magic You're Looking for is in the Work You're Avoiding
I'm living in the epicenter of mainstream cannabis farming in the United States. Legal weed is becoming industrialized while people of color are targeted and incarcerated for cannabis offenses across the country... yet it barely makes public conversation.
Racial bias is in the air we breathe.
I've been sitting tight in the discomfort of my own racial illiteracy since I moved here, trying to listen and learn but this vapid flat silence around race among the communities that I'm a part of is completely ineffectual and it's time we all speak the fuck up.
Can we let go of the overarching need for political correctness and defensive silence while everybody is looking for 'the right thing' to say? Some kind of script that'll ensure nobody calls me out or accuses me of racism. As if the accusation of having racial biases is worse and more shocking than racism itself. Please.
Yoga is racialized in its whiteness too. The majority of us bypassing the hard topics to arrive at yoga’s literal meaning: union. Yes this world, this life, this existence is ALL ONE THING. But the reality is that we’re in different bodies so we experience the world in very different ways.
Of course it's uncomfortable but we can't remain so awkward and willfully silent. This impact of silence is toxic, it keeps people of color in pain. It's not working.
There's an abundance of generous free resources on Instagram alone. Follow @rachel.cargle @laylafsaad@iamrachelricketts@shisi.rose @resmaamenakem @ignitekindred
Try the journalling prompts by @leesareneehall
Go on the Equal Justice Initiative website.
Listen to podcasts like @nothowthatworks and the White Fragility episode on @callyrgf
Thank you beyond words to @lizzyjeffand @astemariii for making it all hit home and giving me the balls to speak up @spiritweavers
I'm just getting started here, but please talk to me.
Photo from @indigenousgoddessgang